Photos that tell your story 


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Your photos should be something more than just an image you upload to Instagram. Remember going to your grandparent’s home & looking through piles of photo albums- feeling nostalgic & never getting tired of looking through them? That is exactly how I want you to feel about your photos. Let’s capture some memories you want to freeze frame, freaking love, & share with all your friends & family.

Hi! Hi! Hi! Fancy meeting you here.

HHHHIIIIIII!! I’m Chrissy Malott, the little lady behind the lens. I am a photographer based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. After working crazy jobs over the last 15 years, I am so incredibly lucky to call photography my full time job.

When I’m not taking photos or editing my life away- I live out my HGTV dreams of home decorating, sipping a glass of red wine, & spending quality time with my BFF/husband Taylor and our two stinking cute pets. I’m a huge fan of yoga, hiking + anything outdoors, & traveling. I’m also a mama to what I think will never be enough house plants & just recently became a mama to a sweet baby girl. And you know what? Life’s never been the same.

If this is making you think “dang this girl sounds like my type of photographer” go to the contact tab & let’s chat!